Did you know that there is a Guinea Pig Appreciation Day? It’s on  July 16th but, for Guinea Pig lovers, every day is appreciation day. Here are 10 fun facts about guinea pigs….

10 Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

1. It’s estimated that 2% of UK households own a Guinea Pig.

2. Guinea Pigs have 20 teeth! The very prominent incisors that we all see, premolars and molars. They’re hidden by a Guinea Pig’s fatty cheeks, which make them very hard to see.

10 Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

3. Two of the most common Guinea Pig insurance claims seen by ExoticDirect are for dental problems, such as overgrown teeth that lead to dental deformities, pain and difficulty eating. And Gastric issues such as Gut stasis. Gut stasis is when a piggy’s gut stops contracting and moving. The conditions are often linked, being caused by a lack of fibre found in hay and grass in the diet.

4. A baby Guinea Pig is called a Pup (pup).

5. Like humans, Guinea Pigs can’t produce their own vitamin C. It needs to be supplied to them in their diet. Insufficient vitamin C will lead to the piggy developing Scurvy.


6. Guinea pigs eat their own poo. Well the caecotrophs anyway. These are their soft droppings, and they’re full of goodness from their high fibre diet. They also produce a hard dropping which they don’t eat.

7. Guinea Pigs shouldn’t eat buttercups, but they can eat brussels sprouts! 

10 Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

8. The best temperature for Guinea Pigs is between 18 to 23 degrees Celsius. Too hot, and your piggy could get heatstroke, and too cold and it can get chilled.

9. Guinea Pigs shouldn’t eat cut grass, as this can begin to ferment very quickly, giving your piggy an upset tummy.

10. Guinea Pigs are very fertile, and if a male is left with multiple females, he will mate with them all. This was proven back in 2014, when a male Guinea Pig impregnated 100 females at Hatton Adventure World in Warwick, after ending up in the female enclosure.

About the author
Tamara Labelle writes for ExoticDirect pet insurance. ExoticDirect pet insurance insure small pets, lizards, snakes, tortoises, birds and other exotic-y pets such as pygmy hedgehogs and ferrets.

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